Vision Therapy is a curriculum of activities provided by optometrists to give patients the opportunity to develop visual skills they need for comfort and success.
Each patient learns to use their visual abilities in new and more efficient ways through the use of lenses, prisms, and other instruments.
Patients with inadequate visual skills often experience the follow:
Difficulty Learning to Read and Poor Comprehension
Poor and Inconsistent Handwriting
Inability to Complete Work on Time
Headaches and often After Near Work
Eye Strain, Red Eyes, Itching Eyes
Attention Deficits and other Behavioral Problems
Poor Coordiation and Inconsistent Sports Performance
Is Vision and Learning Related? Is my child's struggles in school due to his vision? Click here to find out more...
Below is a video by Dr. John Abbondanza, a dear friend of ours who talks about Vision Therapy.
Many conditions consistently involve visual difficulties and respond well to vision therapy. These include: